Process automation for payroll teams

Free your team from manual work

Automate low value, time consuming tasks and enhance transparency across your operations

Work Management

Centralised Knowledge

Process Automation

Payroll Governance

Audit & Analytics

Support ticketing

Tailored Work Plans for Your Team

Keep your team on track with personalised daily schedules, highlighting the checks, issues and approvals they need to address.

Enable team members to initiate checklists for ad-hoc processes, such as onboarding and terminations, ensuring consistency in every task.

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Replace clunky email approvals with streamlined workflows

Enhance control over key checklists by requiring a second review before marking tasks as complete.

Centralise approval history by inviting external stakeholders to review, comment and approve critical steps—all within one platform.

Replace clunky email approvals with streamlined workflows

Enhance control over key checklists by requiring a second review before marking tasks as complete.

Centralise approval history by inviting external stakeholders to review, comment and approve critical steps—all within one platform.

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Notifications when they matter

Cut down on inbox clutter with ‘just in time’ notifications and daily updates sent directly to Microsoft Teams.

Ensure the right people stay informed by using comments and mentions on specific tasks.

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Process Automation Features

Team Dashboard

Easily monitor work and team progress with  customisable dashboards.

Guest Users

Invite occasional users to manage issues and approve tasks.

Smart Notifications

Send “just in time” notifications via email and MS Teams channels.

Comments and Mentions

Add comments and mention users against checks, issues and other records.

Daily Digest

Receive a daily digest via email or MS Teams showing what’s on today and overdue items.

Approve & Comment from Emails

Allow users to complete checks and comment directly by replying to email notifications.

Approvals and Sign Off

Enable checklist and delegated authority approvals for payruns.

Payrun Planning

Map out recurring payrun activities, timings and responsibilities by pay group.

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