Payroll calendar software for payroll teams

Take control of payroll operations

Know where all activities stand with Paytools. Calendarise, describe and track recurring payroll operations so you never miss an important process again.

Payroll Calendar

Payroll Workflows

Payroll Registers

Payroll Governance

Audit & Analytics

Support Ticketing

One schedule to rule them all

Calenderise your work schedule for a single source of truth on payroll activities, deadlines and commitments.

Operationalise recurring payroll processes with checklists and workflows to keep your team on track with actions, issues and approvals they need to address.

payroll calendar
Work management feature 3

Everyone on the same page

Reduce internal comms and improve transparency with a centralised dashboard on where important obligations and activities are up to.

Configure the dashboard to customise the perfect view for different roles.  Send daily updates and time critical notifications via email or directly into MS Teams channels.

A timeline of payroll operations

The calendar gives you an audited, searchable history of payroll operations tracking work performed including actions, approvals, comments and decisions.

Paytools keeps “as at” date versions of processes and checklists, ensuring you can always see how things looked at any point in time.

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Payroll calendar features

Team Calendar

Create a shareable ‘schedule of truth’ for all deadlines, obligations & recurring tasks.

Operations Dashboard

View the progress of pay runs & other tasks, along with a snapshot of today’s priorities.

Payroll Planning

Map out recurring payroll activities including pay cycles, legislative deadlines & reviews.

Daily Digests

Receive a daily digest via email or MS Teams showing what’s on today & overdue items.

Task Assignments & Visibility

Assign activities to users or teams & restrict access by pay group.

 Overdue Activities

Never miss a deadline again with outstanding & overdue activities highlighted & notified.

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